I am not adept at sending newsletters. Those can be tracked and no-one reads or clicks. So, I’ll go back fifteen years in time and “blog.”
Hi. I’m Darragha. That’s my main pen name. Some 60+ books now. I recently began writing new adult books under the pen name Goshen Hexx. About 6 years ago I wrote some hysterical police paranormals as JJ Andrews. For now, I’m going full-on-tilt-boogie with Goshen Hexx titles. Please take a look at my titles via the websites listed on this website.
Right now, I’m thinking about TikTok. I love TikTok. If there’s a ban on 1/19/25, I’m afraid I shall mourn its loss. I’m going to quote Scarlett O’Hara now: “Where shall I go? What shall become of me?”
And the banhammers say: Frankly, my dear, I don’t give a damn.
I care. TikTok has been both amusing and a source of income for me. I am on other social media sites, but they’re not TikTok 🙁 Sad face. I suppose I’d better download all my content and make plans to become a YouTuber or something. Facebook is fine. Instagram is fine. BlueSky is fine. TikTok is, alas, the one ring to rule them all.
I may just start patrolling the streets with copies of my books. Until I get arrested, that may work. Door-to-door, asking people if they’ve heard about my “Fine Collection of Sins.”
’nuff said.